most lightly

美 [moʊst ˈlaɪtli]英 [məʊst ˈlaɪtli]
  • adv.轻柔地;轻微地;轻轻地;少许;不多;漫不经心地;满不在乎地
  • lightly的最高级
most lightlymost lightly
  1. Most derivatives are lightly regulated " over-the-counter " deals ; their face value is more than tenfold that of derivatives traded on exchanges .


  2. Most clearly , the lightly regulated hedge fund industry - described by Mr Lo as the Galapagos of financial services - is suffering a shake-out .


  3. The eddy current influences the AMF distribution in the center of contact most heavily , between the slots lightly , and on the slots most lightly .


  4. Following China 's accession to the WTO , an enterprise values have gradually shifts from the concept of corporate life into our most lively , most not be taken lightly " Practice topic " .
